Wednesday, June 25, 2008

FOOD for FUEL not EMOTION by WandeePop

Keeping up with Snap Pop & Lock's signature class of captivating energetic Hip Hop dance, Health, Wellness, & Fitness can be challenging! We've decided to take it a few steps further and offer two additional sections of our newlsetter!

*Food for Fuel not Emotion
*Herb's Ready pack

This will teach how to utilize the earth's natural resources + juice cleansing for optimum health benefits.

Did you know Beans contain eight key nutrients that are an excellent source of Protein which contains high levels of it and is low in fat? For those who don't know protein is key for building bone and joint protecting muscles. If you are building muscle than you are on your way to lowering the fat count in your body.

How does protein help us? Please read the list below for nutrients and benefits:

1.Folate: Helps the body form red blood cells; may reduce the risk of Birth Defects

2.Fiber: Studies show it may reduce the risk of Heart Attacks and certain Cancer's help maintain a healthy intestinal tract.

3.Manganese: Needed for building strong bones and for a healthier metabolism of protein, fat and carbohydrates.

4. Protein: Essential for growth and maintenance of bones and muscles.

5.Magnesium: This nutrient is necessary for building bone and releasing energy from muscles.

6.Copper: Key for iron absorption and efficient use of oxygen.

7.Iron: Needed to carry oxygen in the blood.

8.Potassium: Aids in maintaining healthy blood pressure. Now you have all eight key factors we in-courage to incorporate beans (a rainbow of them) in your meals and ask you to plan your meals wisely. We bring this information to you through our own research and studies.

**For more information on Food for Fuel not Emotion and Herb Ready Packs please email WandeePOP at email below**

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