Thursday, May 16, 2013

Balance and Transformation Through the Chakras

By Wandee 'WandeePop' Candelario

As I continue to grow evolve and transition on my spiritual path... I look at people, places and things with more love and compassion.

I am observing from a place in the light, and my heart is fuller with the compassion, hope, belief, faith, and laughter!!

I've embarked on a journey that has moved me in many different directions. At times challenges occur but I respond and react differently, with love a smile and yes at times cleansing tears; the should a, could a, would a, that seemed important to me no longer do! I am learning to release those every, every, everyday!

I practice mind-fullness, which means respecting how I am feeling and how my actions may affect others... that I respect care for, and the way I bring in new things into my life; and how I release what no longer suits my purpose.
My purpose is grand, It’s beautiful; it's light full with unlimited potential. As we all have a purpose... on this planet we call EARTH!
I have two questions for you.
1. Do you feel your living up to your true potential?
2. Do you know your purpose?
 I've connected my work, the work that I need to do for my spirit/dance/creativity, to be just what it needs to be... allowing it to flow, flourish in its own divine timing, it doesn't matter how fast /slow just the mere fact that I am always learning growing and connecting with my inner light, my beliefs, my love for the ARTS, TRU ESSENCIA DANCE and WELLNESS,  HIP-HOP, along with balancing Snap Pop n' Rock (our signature classes, and products plus services), Food for Fuel Not Emotions, and Herb Ready, that to me is huge part of my purpose.

The transformation is allowing me to be free to express my visions when creating and I have whole new love for my HIP-HOP it’s all transcending on its own…

I dance freely, with a lighter smoother two-step, and a slicker coy groove box step, my foundation is part of me a woman always representing the true essence in life and culture of Hip-Hop!!!

Part of growing is sometimes changing. The best thing is staying focused, committed and maintaining a healthy balance.
One of the beautiful things I've connected with is learning about CHAKRAS, and how important it is to have balance in our lives (What are chakras)?

Chakras are like filters that bridge your physical body and the world around you.  They allow energy from the universe in and the energy out through your subtle field.

I'm going to give you basic information on the seven basic chakras, seven basic herbs to help chakras remain balance. Whenever our bodies and our spirit are not balanced it can manifest in different ways... like becoming sick with fever and colds or flu. I've learned to use the herbs in herbal teas, or soaking in the bathtub to be beneficial, during the days that I may feel are heavy.

Please don’t wait till your feeling heavy begin working on your balance now.

You’ll notice a difference in how your feeling… the shift in energy level, how your mental health is upholding, how you deal with people, and how you react to certain situations.

Below you’ll find information to help you start the process.
Remember whenever embarking on a new journey start from a place of self-love and appreciation!
1. Root Chakra - Represents foundation feeling of being grounded.
Location: Base of Spine in tailbone area
Emotional Issues: Survival issues, financial worth or lack of money, and food.
Herb: Dandelion root is a great herb is an abundant herb that can help keep you consciously to our bodies so we can align synchronicity and manifest your purpose.
Color: Red

 2. Sacral Chakra - Connection and ability to accept others and new experiences.
Location: Lower Abdomen 2 inches above navel and 2 inches in.
Emotional Issues: Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure and sexuality.
Herb: Calendula, by drinking this tea is will help boost creativity and will give you a better sense of intimacy. Its also been known to help with clarity in decision making.
Color: Orange

 3. Third Chakra - Helps us soften our personal efforts to control ones life. Especially when you feel a sense of urgency and attachment to the outcome of a situation.
Location: Solar Plexus
Emotional Issue: Allergies, muscle aches and sometimes related to diabetes.
Herb: Marshmallow root can allow you to surrender to the flow of the moment, and has been known to release knot feeling in the stomach.
Color: Yellow

 4. Heart Chakra - Located in heart and chest this place for integration for the upper and lower chakras open the heart to cosmic energies, our ability to love.
Location: Heart and Chest of body
Emotional Issues:  Immune system issues, fatigue, continuing to catch a colds and flu.
Herb: Hawthorne herb enhances the process of life and promotes encouraging heart strength.
Color: Green 

5.Throat Chakra - Gives us the ability to communicate, speak our truth with honor.
Location: Throat
Emotional Issues: When the throat chakra is un-balanced, you may find yourself not able to speak with clarity. You may find yourself feeling as if your throat is shutting down.
Herb: Red Clover Blossoms are a great source of herb to steep, it assists in helping with free flowing communication.
Color: Blue

6. Third Eye Chakra - it is our center of intuition allows us to see everything clearly.
Location: Between the Eyebrows
Emotional Issues: when imbalanced you will be prone to headaches, visions problems and may find your mood to swing back and forth (good and bad).
Herb: Eyebright enhances our ability to have a better perception and not second guess what when where and how? This herb brings back the balance for our intuition.
Color: Indigo

 7. Crown Chakra - Is associated with happiness and is linked to our higher power.
Location: Crown/Top of the Head
Signs of Imbalance: Epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, extreme fatigue and self-doubt.
Herb: Lavender is a wonderful herb to use for aromatherapy it assists our seventh chakra in opening the alignment to our divine power. This herb is wonderful to enhance when meditating.
Color: Purple/Violet

Please be mindful when including plants, drinking herbal elixirs internally, as well as externally to consult with someone. Some herbs are just great to use while soaking in the bathtub.

I have found since working with plants, herbs internal and external, I have more of a balanced life, light and heavy along with dark and clear.
Balance is necessary and most helpful during seasonal changes.

For more information on to properly steep teas, and how to create your bath tonic contact via Email.

May the spring renewal be raising upon you,
with Blessings, Peace, Love and Light!

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